I will try to keep this page as up to date as possible. If you have any news that you would like to go on the site, please
e-mail me, thanks.
Below is an e-mail from Peter (In America). If anybody else has the time to let me know what their side of the family
is getting up to, I would be very gratefull.
The Combined Murray Family and Esteemed Contributing Families
Hello Everyone
I am remiss by not keeping everyone in
the loop. Since Sept 11, the Disney Family Reunion and a job change I have not devoted the time required to accomplish the
production of a newsletter of sorts. Please forgive me.
Well, Ednas note with her Christmas card
fired me up again. Jeans came a day later. I always have Edna to thank for getting me going again. She started this whole
thing anyway.
Now, where to begin?
I know it is well worn by now but Sept
11th did have an incredible, long range impact on the way we live, our short and long range plans, the safety of
our families, our soldier sons and daughters. In the short term -- the family reunion became doubtful because of transportation
Before September 11th, though,
our cousin Rod decides to have a pretty, unhealthy stroke. That alone would have served to cancel the reunion the problem
being that everything was already paid for and unrefundable. The reunion was a go. Rod and his family were sorely missed.
We decided that the reunion would be made up to Rod and Sylvia no matter what see
Re-reunion. While writing this note, however, I want to report that Rod is the picture of health and ready to play rugby again,
according to me. (Just kidding). I can attest that he is surely capable of withstanding rugged, bone-jarring, roller-coaster
rides at Busch Gardens, and became a certified Beer Meister to boot. All kidding aside Rod has made a remarkable recovery
---, we are very grateful. Rod has become sort of like my blood brother, partner-in-crime, and co-conspirator when it comes
to family matters and planning for future events.
The Reunion (Sept
25, 26, 27, and 28, 2001)
Well, the reunion happened and it was a
smashing success, in spite of the previous two events. The communication and
planning was impeccable, thanks primarily to three people, my darling Bob-a-link Babs, Dee Dee (Keith Murrays wife - USA),
and Derek Hopley (Lillians (nee Murray) other half). Everyone had a blast and it is a good thing that we didnt have to drive
very far most of the time. We found a handy little tavern on the grounds where Ian conjured pitchers (not pictures to be sure)
of halb-und-halb, half dark beer and half light beer. The rest of us did magic by making the pitchers disappear very rapidly.
The most conservative among us quickly lost the veneer of propriety and fell into convulsive fits of uproarious laughter.
The laughter that prevailed during those evening get-togethers still rings in my ears. Most of the laughter was generated
by the ladies trying to get the guys in check which they became less able to do as the evening(s) progressed. To be serious
though I will never forget the fun that was had all-around by that wonderful band of bandits. My only sorrow was that this
would never be reproducible no matter how hard we tried when Rod and his family arrived 5 months later. You just had to be
there. The Disney staff did not have any problem with the children ---- but the adults were uncontrollable. One of the keys
the success of the reunion is that it was very free form in other words, we didnt force everyone or anyone to be at a particular
place at a particular time --- except when it came to drinking beer --- now that was a timed requirement.
To refresh your collective memories the
following folk were there:
From Largo, FL Babs, Pete, Keith, Dee Dee, Ashly, Scott, Craig
and Denise Murray
From Greensboro, NC Barbara, Richard, Robert, Esther, Caleb,
Ashley, Joshua Murray
Barbara and David Jessup, and Jessica Leng
From Hoylake, England - Shirley and Ian Murray
From Runcorn, Cheshire, England --Jean and Eddie Derbyshire
From Sale, Cheshire, England Edna and Rob Low
From Chester, England Lillian and Derek Hopley
The Re-reunion (Feb
16 --- Mar 2, 2002)
From Largo, FL Babs, Pete, Keith, Dee Dee, Ashly, Scott, Craig
and Denise Murray
From Norfolk, England Sylvia and Rod Murray,
Gillian, Dennis and Alex Lacey
My buddy, Rod, arrives with his family
and we proceed to follow in the footsteps of the main reunion. This too was a smashing success. The entire Florida crew participated
in the re-enactment. We had another grand time. After Disney, Rods family stayed at our house, where his daughter, Gil, was
married. The wedding was beautiful, the bride was beautiful, the brides-maids were beautiful, all the ladies were beautiful,
the meal was delicious, the cake was beautiful, the weather was at 100% humidity to look and feel like back home in England
----- it poured. All the guys were standing by (they were not beautiful but rather handsome.)
The Tree
Copies of the revised tree to had been
sent to contributors early this year. Since then, however, there have been some good, revolutionary events. This one happened
in mid-December. Paydirt. Both Rod and I agree that the father and family of Walter Alexander has been found. Before going
into that though --- credit needs to be given where it is due. This astounding find is the work of Ian Bithell. Now I will
venture a guess that most of you have not a clue who Ian is (nor did I as a matter of fact until his email came). Ian is the
husband of Ruth Wadsworth, who is the daughter of Alma, who is the daughter of Ethel. Ian got my contact information through
Keith Lowe, Ethels son. Ian subsequently emailed regarding family information. I immediately responded to meet the request.
In passing, I mentioned to Ian that we were at an impasse with the hunt for Walters father and were about to give up. Within
twenty-four hours, Ian had found the entry in the 1881 census tying up the relationship. The key was that the census had the
man we understood to be Alexander Murray listed as Abraham Murray all else fit in. Now the hunt is on for Alexander, Abraham/Alexanders
father. We cannot be satisfied.
We have also established the existence
of William, Walter Alexanders brother and his family and this information is now included in the tree. Ian (Bithell) has also
provided volumes of information on the Lowe line that we had been looking for as well. It has been a very productive month.
In addition, more information has been gleaned on Arthur, Leonard and Walter the American brothers, from various sources.
About 25 new photographs have been added
to the tree, with another 25 in process. Some of them are of poor quality because of the source and the means of extracting
them. However, most are recognizable. This brings the photo count up to 150 and most are in color. Many thanks to those who
contributed to the growth of the tree with data, updates, corrections, and photographs.
Tree Stats:
247 people of which:
are male/118 female
48 dead/199 alive and in reasonably good health. Since we do not have birthdates on everyone we cannot calculate average
age. All of the dead went to their maker by natural or non-criminal/non-war causes. However, the oldest living family member
in the Murray Line Tree was born in 1918. These numbers include ALL members and ex-members of the family)
Soldiers and Sailors (There are others but we are not sure
please advise and update)
Arthur Murray (UK, WW I)
Wilfred Murray (UK, WW I)
Harry Murray (UK, WW I)
George Murray (UK, India Service)
Ernest Murray (UK, WW I)
Peter Murray (US Army 33 years)
Keith Murray (US Army 15 years and counting)
There are just too many changes to the
tree to describe here. Copies of the photo report are to be sent to contributing participants. Hopefully, next years publication
will be in color. The statistics section will be greatly expanded to include causes of death, average age (which is pretty
high), divorce rate (which is already fantastically low), occurrences of names, and anecdotal narratives. But to do this we
need your continued input or it just wont happen.
The Big Visit in 2004
Babs and I are planning a visit to the
United Kingdom early in 2004. Actually, Rod is doing the planning for a road tour, bed and breakfast type of trip. I am bringing
a still or digital camera this time (compliments of Rod) and will endeavor to collect a shot of every relative we meet.
The Next Family Reunion
in 2005
Ok, everyone, input is needed here. Where
do we go for Murray Family Reunion 2005? Which continent would be a good start? Please consider weather (if temperature/humidity
index is over 90 F/High forget it), price, children, etc. in your choices. Send your picks to me as soon as you can before
D-Day, June 30, 2003.