Hi, My name is Vikki. My family on my mother's, mother's Father's side of the family are Murrays (In other words, My Grandmother's
dad was a Murray). I created this site because I think it is so important to know all about your family and where you came
from. I also think it is a really good way of getting in touch with relatives that you never knew you had (Whether they are
closely related and you have lost touch, or whether they are on the other side of the world!) To me,. nothing is more important
than family.
So, I really hope that this site will help you find what you are looking for and interests you. If you need to contact
me for any reason, please do not hesitate to do so by e-mailing me on Murraysonline@hotmail.com I check my e-mail every day and will go out of my way to help in any way I can. I would love to hear from you about anything
you want to tell me about. Even if it's just to say hi, I love talking to people and hearing what they think of the site,
so please feel free to drop me a line.
If you would like to get involved in the site or would like to contribute in any way, please get in touch, I would be delighhted
to hear your ideas. I am always glad of some help when it comes to the website and I would be only to happy to feed in your
contributions to the site.
You can also leave me a message on the forum (There is a button on this page), I check this every day as well and will
respond to all messages as quickly as possible.
Thanks and I will keep trying my best to make the site new and exiting and as interesting as possible.
Runcorn Bridge
My College
To get in touch with me, you can e-mail me by clicking on this link below.
The things I love!
I love walking and bike-riding and outdoorsey stuff, being out in the countryside, picnics and that sort
of thing. I love walking the dogs and taking them to the park and things like that. I love spending time with my friends,
shopping (I am very good at spending money!), going to the cinema, that kind of stuff. I enjoy reading (I love a good book),
and I also love writing, stories, novels, plays, poetry, whatever takes my fancy. Just stuff like that really.

Here's a list of some of my favorite websites;
Below is a message board where you can leave me a message, I would love to hear from you and I will check it as often
as I can.